
Thank you for visiting.


First, let me say that we are not a 501(c)3 corporation. This is currently a labor of love being developed and maintained before and after our day jobs.  As a family, we’ve never attached a denominational title to ourselves.  We consider ourselves Biblists, however, we have precious friends who are Protestants, Jewish and Catholic and we hope this information will be fruitful to all.

Our Beliefs

We believe in the Apostles’ Doctrine (Acts 2:41-42), the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints. It is the ancient doctrine believed everywhere, always, by everyone in the Early Church. We confess the Apostles’ Creed.

Our Mission

“Biblical and Constitutional Solutions to the Globalist Agenda” is our tag line.  It represents what we’re trying to accomplish here.

Our mission is not to create an American Theocracy.  Ours is Christ’s Great Commission: to encourage and equip pastors and people of faith (particularly in the United States) to present the Gospel in the public square by becoming actively involved in defending and restoring the moral law of God, aka natural law, established by the founding documents and explained in Proverbs 29:2, into our local, county, state and federal governments, by providing a resource of real solutions, while also exposing, as commanded in Ephesians 5:11,  the unrighteous globalists plans.

If you’re not sure you have faith in Jesus Christ, we invite you to visit The Pilgrims Plan.

Our Goal

Our goal is not to supersede your time in God’s Word, fellowship or sharing the Gospel.  On the contrary, we believe God’s word comes first so that it may shine a light on all other thoughts as Psalm 119:105 says.  We want to be a time-saving source of content in which a Christian believer can examine cultural evidence from Christian and secular sources to obtain a more precise biblical worldview by having a library, if you will, of relevant commentary and information to help one be as vigilant as possible. This is why we use 1 Chronicles 12:32 as we believe today’s believer can be just as discerning as the men of Issachar.  We also believe this will help fulfill Matthew 10:16.


Where do you go from here?

Know this site can be overwhelming for some, we’ve created a quick site introduction (link at the bottom) that gives you an overview of the content and navigation.

Very Important!

Our desire for you is that God and the Holy Scriptures be your standard for both spiritual and worldviews and that you grow in knowledge and spiritual wisdom.

We encourage you to be vigilant and desire knowledge. Why? I want you to exercise your critical thinking skills, not only to use here but to use in everyday life, like watching news, movies, television, reading this or any other news source or simply discussing your worldview as there’s almost always some form of propaganda embedded or logical fallacies written or spoken to manipulate your worldview.

This is a good place to start.  A number of years ago I came across this short document on the web by Greg R. Haskin called A Practical Guide To Critical Thinking.  For those of you who were not taught critical thinking in school (and it is a learned skill), you’ll be amazed and for those who were taught, consider this a refresher.  This will help you properly examine everything on this site and more. We also highly recommend CARM’s School of Critical Thinking.

Click the image to view.


This is an outreach

I concede that the evidence presented here (including our contributors) are from our worldview. But please know that we did not start with confirmation bias.

We do not wish to claim that we have all the answers.  We do not! However, we present evidence here believing that this information is very limited or difficult to find and categorize, believing that the non-biblical worldview is widespread.

We desire to present news, commentary and research to allow the reader to critically think through each topic, examine the evidence, and arrive at their own verdict or conclusion.  Thank you for visiting!