The Magdeburg Formula

C. Biblical Strategy

Sadly, most Western Christians do not believe there is a Biblical strategy on such matters, having been spiritually disarmed, and drugged with economic satiation. But there is a strategy and it begins here!

PilgrimsBeacon Note: This is a continuation of the F. Earle Fox article that started on The Quigley Formula, which includes Parts ‘A’ and ‘B’.

Now if the conspiracies of the AAE and the Leninists are not evil and to be confronted by righteous people, what needs to be added to make it so?   Nothing has changed from the ancient days of power struggle excepting the level of technological sophistication and the invention of brainwashing.  Mind-control is now applied to whole civilizations.  Behind it all is the same Enemy.

But, behind truth-seekers is the King of kings.  That makes it an unequal battle.  God has always stacked the apparent odds against the righteous before provoking a fight with the enemy.  Moses and Pharaoh, David and Goliath, the Christians and the Roman Empire, America’s Pilgrims, and England.  One supposes He wants to make it clear Who is doing the winning.  We need only do our part — trust and obey.   God holds the intellectual, moral, and spiritual high ground, and is inviting His people to join Him there.  That is precisely how God wins.   

But what would winning mean?  Is Griffin’s strategy a good one for Christians?  What is a Biblical strategy for taking back Western Civilization?

First of all, we must understand that Western Civilization is Christian Civilization.  The West was coopted by secularists because Christians dropped the ball with science and politics, abdicating the Great Commission to spread the Gospel to all the land.


The uniquely distinctive features of the West are strictly Biblical both in origin and in nature — science and due process in civil law, such as a democratic-republic under God.  Christians lost the culture war largely because we alienated ourselves from science and politics.

But what we must take back is not what passes for “liberal democracy” — which is neither liberal nor democratic.  It neither liberates nor is for the people.  God has His own versions of both science and politics.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…


Any secular government will inevitably, over time, gravitate toward centralization.  That is because if God is not the King (a political claim overall human government), there is no authority at all, and then the only order in life is that imposed, not by human authority (humans have none) but by human power, coercion.   As our Declaration of Independence recognizes and inserts into American constitutional law, all law (authority) comes from God, and the role of civil government is to administer the law and protect the freedoms already given by God — a principle commonly recognized in the 1700s by politicians and jurists on both sides of the Atlantic.

Secondly, a world without God, the cosmos of the closed circle, is an inherently unstable cosmos with inherently unstable citizens.  Stability comes only through control of circumstances, meaning coercion.  Citizens are thus always on the defensive, and drawn into a power struggle.  And there is no moral order by which these conflicts can be adjudicated.  So power and manipulation are the tools of a fragile (at best) unity.  Unity not based on both truth and righteousness is unsustainable.

That means that any overthrow of one tyranny will eventually lead to another tyranny.  If the civil government is the highest court of appeal, then the civil government is god, the dispenser of security, and the granter of rights.  Civil government cannot deliver on either of those, so the citizens are drawn, again, back into competition and power struggle.  The whole history of the world is one example after another.  Without God, there can be no peace.  And not just any God, but the One who has revealed Himself willing to pay an incredible price to draw His fallen creation back to Himself.  Any other God will not produce truth, righteousness, or a loving spirit, only power struggle.

Griffin raised the problem of a renewed free government itself becoming corrupted by power and said that “mechanisms” must be in place to prevent that.  If thousands of years of failure are any indication, there are no “mechanisms” which can do that.  Only a population committed to the law and grace of God can produce stable freedom under law.


D. In the World, but not of It

That means Christians either stop being embarrassed to talk about Jesus in public, or plan on continuing to lose the spiritual war.  God will not fight for us until we are willing to stand for Him, willing to have our lives spent for Him as His was (and is) for us.  Moses, David, and the early Christians all put their lives at risk.  They did not sit on the sidelines and watch God do the winning.  They made themselves available for God to do the winning through them.  We do not have to know all the answers, but we do have to know and stand for Him who does know all the answers.

Resistance, in other words, begins with a personal relationship to Jesus Christ.

That relationship is not spiritual puffery.  It provides what the world cannot do — ontological security and moral direction.  It makes us people who are “in” the world but not “of” it.  Stalin challenged:  “How many divisions does the Pope have?”   Stalin, his divisions, and the Soviet Union are, as we say, “history”, not exactly “in the world”.  But the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church continue — because they are, to a significant degree, tools of God, and so continue in the world at a level deeper than Stalin could ever be.

When we receive our being, identity, and security from God, then the world cannot effectively threaten us.  If we are standing on the Hand of God for our being, we are not standing on anything the world provides and thus could withdraw.  Our stability is secure against all threats.  That is why the blood of the martyrs becomes the seed of the Church.

And when we receive our moral direction, our purpose for existence which only the Creator can supply, devine-laws-lesser-magistratethen our authority surpasses anything that civil government can put against us.  “Who are we to obey, God or man?” echoes down the ages.

Any rights given by the government will be, at their discretion, withdrawn.  Only rights given by God are inalienable.  That is a logical fact which no propaganda can undo.

Ontological security and moral directions are the warp and woof of existence.   The world, with all its pretensions, cannot supply those, which is why the world keeps unraveling, and why it is helpless against people who are secure in Christ.

Those who are “of” the world cannot really be in it.  They can only pretend.  Their inherent defensiveness always erects defensive walls, defense mechanisms, which keep them from being fully “in” the real world, i.e., the world of relationship.  That means they are incapable of creating deep unity among themselves, only pragmatic, situational, and thus fragile unity.

On the other hand, those who are not “of” the world, but “of” God, are able to shed their defenses, to be most deeply in a relationship, unified, and to take advantage of the resources of the world, which are above all, freely acting persons.  That is why the meek shall inherit the earth.  It is all quite logical — once one understands the logic of dependency, i.e., the logic of the Creator-creature relationship.  That the worldly cannot do.  A Godly strategy works because it is the only reality-, not power-, oriented way of life.

Do you want the real world?  with real power?  Follow Jesus to the Father.

Being “of” God creates a community of persons who force the confrontation between the world and God.  They really do represent God, not because they are pushy, or arrogant know-it-alls, but precisely because they are humble, the ones through whom God always chooses to reveal Himself.

God wins because He harrows the outskirts of hell in this world, rescuing from the grip of darkness those who want the Light and the freedom of the children of God.  Nothing can stop Him or His Church.

Griffin is right that we must retrace the steps of the conspiratorial march through the cultural institutions of the West, but under the authority and power of the Son of God, not with another secular counter-revolutionary scheme.


E. In the Trenches

Yes, there are some very practical things which need to be done.  God is a very efficient pragmatist, and knows how to get done what He needs to for His ends.

The first is the resurrection of the Western Body of Christ and education to its public responsibilities.  Christians must regain their public witness — “Jesus is Lord.”  Without a spiritual renewal, any counter to the AAE, et al, will go in circles.  We will just (again) get in the way of what God is doing.  Only under the law and grace of God can anything significant be done.  Sailing off on our own without obedience to God means the death of the project, its cooption by the Enemy.  We cannot bear fruit unless we are grafted to the Vine, unless our being and our authority come from God, not from the world, the flesh, or the devil.  Worldly true-believers fear nothing so much as a renewed Christian body.

magdeburg-cofessionThis was personified in The Magdeburg Confession. It was written by nine pastors of the city of

Magdeburg, Germany in 1550 in response to the Augsburg Interim and the imposition of Roman Catholicism. The Confession explains why the leaders of the city refused to obey the imperial law and were prepared to resist its implementation with force if necessary. The Magdeburg Confession calls for resistance to political tyranny and argues that the “lesser magistrates” in a state, faced with the situation where the “supreme power” is working to destroy true religion, may go further than non-cooperation with the supreme power and assist the faithful to resist.

Carter Lindberg calls it “the first Protestant religious justification of the right of defense against unjust higher authorities.” John Witte notes that Theodore Beza saw the Magdeburg Confession as an example of how to respond to political abuse of tyranny and that it was a “major distillation of the most advanced Lutheran resistance theories of the day, which Reformed tradition absorbed.”

God wins by setting free the real power centers, persons in league with Himself, persons who have ontological moral stability, who know their own boundaries, and how to apply spiritual power and spiritual authority.  And even more so, communities in league with God — the Church.  The world has no defense against these.

God wins by speaking the truth in love through such persons who will do so at any cost to themselves, who then raise up more of the same.  Evangelism.  The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.

When the truth is spoken, when people begin to discover who really is Lord of the Cosmos, and to compare Him with the pretenders, it is no contest.  When people under duress begin to put truth above all else, at any cost to themselves, refusing to tell or accept a lie, they put themselves in touch with resources beyond anything the world, the flesh, or the devil can touch — the Hand and Voice of God.  That is proven by the history of martyrs and in the prison literature of centuries.

When people discover and compare the kinds of freedom offered by God and by the pretenders, the jig is up.  Evil can survive only in darkness.  When the truth is spoken, when the Light comes into the world, people are forced to choose between light and dark (as per John 3:19).  Those who run for the bushes further alienate themselves from reality, and thus condemn themselves to failure.

But to accomplish that with intellectual, moral, and spiritual integrity, Christians must be willing to spend themselves to be truth-speakers.  They must learn their own worldview, and how God intends His world to be governed.  That means understanding the principles of Biblical politics.

The claim that “Jesus is Lord” is a political claim.  Jesus means to be lord over Caesar.  Every knee will bow.  Some will like it and others will hate it.  But when Jesus returns, everyone will know.  God owns the whole universe, including the civil government.  We must learn how to make that argument with truth and with love, winning the people over, not coercing or manipulating — at any cost to ourselves.

Secondly, spiritual renewal being underway, we must re-establish the true purpose of civil government — to submit the use of coercive force (which is what government is all about) to the law and grace of God.  At some level, the founding fathers understood that (see Declaration of Independence), but were not able to articulate the principles with clarity, so the next century saw the demise of the Biblical worldview, with the gleeful help of secularists.

But all that is now slowly changing, and will become publicly evident as Christians continue to regain their intellectual, moral, and spiritual credibility.

Civil government is rightly about coercion.  Everything civil government does, it does, as it were, at gunpoint.  We make laws to enforce or forbid some behavior.  But there are many things which never should be coerced — religion, education, charity (all of which are coerced at gunpoint today) — which is why the founding fathers wanted and gave us a limited government.

We must dismantle all the institutions of civil government which bring coercion to bear in an unGodly manner.  Those include, first of all, government-controlled education, the tool of mind-control.  And then the IRS and the Federal Reserve, which are tools of economic control and thievery.  And government social security and welfare, more tools of control, creating dependency rather than sturdy independence.  There are no doubt others.

None of those noxious institutions of our current government are meant (especially by those at the highest levels) for the welfare of the people, they are mechanisms of control, ways of buying votes, and targets of special interest groups for manipulating government policy.

And thirdly, the Body of Christ must get off the government dole of any sort, learn again how to educate and take care of its own, and show the world how to educate and take care of their own, through ‘love of neighbor’. The Body of Christ must cultivate, encourage, and support spiritually strong and submitted individuals to be state-wide magistrates.


And, the Church must learn to govern itself with as much intellectual and moral credibility as we expect of civil government, to set a model for the world.

The Church did not win the Roman Empire by coercion or manipulation, but by laying down their lives for Christ.  It is happening today in China and other parts of the world.  It will be done again in America wherever people are willing to submit themselves to that moral order higher than themselves. [edited]



 This is a continuation of the F. Earle Fox article that started on The Quigley Formula, which includes Parts ‘A’ and ‘B’.