Quigley’s “formula” for attaining control is the deception of the people via democracy, control of both political parties by the conspiracy so that they are different only on the surface, and swap places in the White House to give the impression of an election. The fact has often been noted by observant voters to have been the case for many elections. It is Lenin’s strategy — tell them whatever they want to hear, until you get enough power to force your will upon them.

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An excellent lecture by G. Edward Griffin entitled “The Quigley Formula: A conspiratorial view of history as taught by the conspirators themselves”

Video Credit: Stand Up For Liberty

The Quigley Formula vs. The Magdeburg Formula by F. Earle Fox


A. Who is Carroll Quigley?

Sunday, June 11, 2006, I attended a talk given by G. Edward Griffin, whose book, The Creature from Jekyll Island (#ad), I had already heard on the bogus nature of the Federal Reserve System.


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Griffin is an excellent storehouse of information on politics and economics, how they are interrelated, etc.  He makes a serious effort to be factual, up to date on issues and does an enormous amount of research.  His website, realityzone.com is well worth perusing.

Griffin is a libertarian, whose definition of freedom is something like: the right to do anything I please, so long as I do not infringe on the life, liberty, or property of anyone else.  He has a Creed of Freedom based on what he calls eternal principles to express this view.  The creed undergirds his activist organization, Freedom Force.

Sunday’s talk was entitled, The Quigley Formula, in which Griffin describes the strategy massively documented by Carroll Quigley (in Tragedy & Hope, (#ad) and in The Anglo-American Establishment) (#ad) as being used by one-world globalists for taking over world politics.

Carroll Quigley

Carroll Quigley

Quigley was a favorite professor/mentor of William Clinton at George Washington University.  Clinton gave Quigley credit many times during his campaign and tenure as President, signaling to those “in the know” that he was solidly behind the globalist movement.

Like most politicians and industrialists of the 20th century, Quigley had given up on the American Constitution, openly espousing a conspiratorial view of global world government.  He agreed with the plan of the globalists to subvert our constitutional order and insert themselves as the elite rulers, as much as possible by stealth, but, if necessary, by force.  His only disagreement, apparently, was about their secrecy.  Why he would advise them to be open about such evil intentions is not clear.

tragedy hope

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Quigley’s “formula” for attaining the sought for control is the deception of the people via democracy, control of both political parties by the conspiracy so that they are different only on the surface, and swap places in the White House to give the impression of an election.  The fact has often been noted by observant voters to have been the case for many elections.  It is Lenin’s strategytell them whatever they want to hear, until you get enough power to force your will upon them(Same strategy used by in the homosexual agenda.)

Democracy here means the pseudo “liberal democracy” of socialism, which is the antithesis of a democratic republic under God.  By its centralizing vortex, liberal democracy erodes all local communities into a grand illusion of being “America” by virtue of having a federal government, as though the federal government was the creator (and therefore owner) of America rather than Americans in their local communities creating the federal government as their servant.

The conspiracy has succeeded in all but destroying American education, reducing American history to postmodern nonsense, taking away a significant part of the foundation of any society’s identity, its corporate memory of itself.  The process atomizes citizens, turning them into an identity-less mass, subject to the coercive and manipulative power of evil-minded rulers.   The government replaces family, school, welfare, drawing the people into an increasingly dependent way of thinking about themselves.  The government replaces God.

The conspirators are reconstructing the Tower of Babel.  And they will get it.

These facts called into question everything the Bush administration was doing, both foreign and domestic.  It has been clear to this writer for several years that, on the home front, George Bush is no friend of the Constitution, that he is a socialist at heart, and, as his support of the Mexican immigration debacle shows, an avid supporter of the New World Order as expressed in this speech before congressIf he is a sincere Christian, which so many people professed, he is an extremely poorly educated one, spiritually immature, and enormously naive — making him controllable, and thus a patsy for the conspiracy.

Quigley had been given a two year period in the mid-1900s in which he had access to the archives of globalist leaders, meaning, no doubt, that they trusted him to do a good job for them.  He may have spilled too many beans, however, as Tragedy & Hope (#ad) was withdrawn by the publisher for a period.

The really astonishing thing is that the globalists and those like them can write quite candidly about their intentions, proceed to carry them out, and the general population is either ignorant or apathetic to the facts!  And worse, this includes Christian Pastors who not want to hear about it due to the 501(c)(3) strangle-hold the state has on the Church.  Remember, Hitler got into power because of Christian ignorance and pastoral apathy.

It is happening right here, right now.  Out of ignorance, today’s pastors couldn’t teach the story of the Black-Robe Regiment of the Revolutionary War.  God have mercy on us for our desertion of Him and His purposes for America.  Augustine was right.  “Any nation which does not submit itself to the purposes of God will die”.  And rightly (and necessarily) so.  Only under God can freedom, truth, righteousness, or love survive.

PilgrimsBeacon note: This article just touches the tip of the freedom iceberg in Biblical thought and theology. The Biblical worldview and Gospel are built on freedom from top to bottom (2 Corinthians 3:17). There is nothing in paganism or secularism that can even remotely compare to it. Yet the yearning for freedom continually wells up in the human spirit, suggesting that the Biblical view is the right one, that secularism/paganism is a terrible mistake. More will be covered in Pilgrims Strategies.

B. Two Enemies, not One


(Or the false dichotomy of the Two-party system)

Soon after America gained its independence from Britain, probably early in the 19th century, English entrepreneurs who understood the market possibilities in the burgeoning New World, were selling American industrialists and commercial interests, especially in New England, on the English model of doing business.  England would wage a subversive economic war on America to pull the New World back into its orbit.  A collectivist conspiracy, inspired by the capitalist rightist side, would mount a war to win against the rising power of the leftist, Jacobin, communist movement which had emanated out of the French Revolution.  But the “right” and “left” are Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum look-alikes. The two-party system is a false dichotomy, an illusion of choice.

'March Of Tyranny' by Ben Garison

Courtesy of Ben Garrison


The Christian population in America had gone to sleep about the spiritual war being fought, though there are many Reformed Churches in America today, the theology of Christian resistance to tyranny has been forgotten or ignored, unable to counter the rising tide of secular Enlightenment.  And the Unitarians and industrialists of New England were seduced by the promises of Anglo-commercial-secularists.

At the end of the 19th century, Cecil Rhodes, a diamond millionaire from South Africa, formed a secret society (described by Quigley) which, especially since World War I, has been a major force in world politics.  Its original goal was to spread the British Empire around the world on Anglo-elitist, white racist grounds.  Along with its American globalist allies, it gravitated into the globalist, one-world movement of today, operating largely through the United Nations.  Its aim is to get control of the “power centers”, i.e., any society, organization, or function of politics, commerce, or media which has a significant effect on citizen belief and behavior, including emphatical education and the Church.  The American branch, with the Rockefellers and other well-known globalists, dominates the conspiracy for the present simply by the enormous American economic power at their disposal.

To help keep under the radar, the Anglo conspirators gave themselves no public name, and modeled themselves more or less on the Jesuit and Illuminati structure, i.e., with a controlling inner circle, surrounded by ever-larger rings, each of which was mostly ignorant of the next inner ring which controlled it, thus insulating the inner elite from view.  The Council on Foreign Relations is such an outer ring.

The strategy of this Anglo-American Establishment (AAE) is thus similar to that of Leninist Antonio Gramsci, taking over society by the slow penetration of the power centers by those favoring AAE goals.

With about a century of penetrating into American affairs, the task is about done, according to Griffin.  They have bought or snuck their way into just about every significant organization in America, and so have people in crucial positions nearly everywhere.  Their task now is simply to raise the walls of control gradually higher.  And the Church sails obliviously on — because it, too, has been penetrated by these people (false prophets and false teachers) with an “updated” reinterpretation of the Gospel.

The AAE has a mortal enemy, according to Griffin, in the Jacobin inspired Marxist-Leninist conspiracy, which has the same aim, but different and competing leaders from Russia, Cuba, and other communist-dominated countries, led by former Soviet leaders.   The downfall of the Soviet Union did not at all mean the downfall of Leninism.

Griffin describes “Marxists” as those who read and believed Marx.  “Marxist-Leninists”, on the other hand, are those who read Marx but follow Lenin, whose fundamental principle was raw power.  Tell people what they want to hear until you get power.  Get power in any way you can, and then you can afford to debate your enemy because you have the power to annihilate him. (sounds like most American politician?)

It would not be wise to trust either the AAE or the Leninists as other than absolutely amoral and vicious.

One suspects that the Anglos have the economic advantage, with the enormous river of funds being sluiced into their coffers through the Federal Reserve and other Western national banking systems.

One must note that the presence of two collectivist and conspiratorial giants both aimed at dominance tells us something about the confused and ambiguous campaign against communism in the 1950s and the whole spurious direction of the Cold War.  The AAE had funded much of the Leninist movement in the 1930s and – 1940s to defeat Hitler, so it is hard to tell friend from foe.  Much of the war against communism after WW II was, then, a war between the two real enemies of America, the AAE and the Marxist-Leninist conspiracy.  Almost nobody had any idea on how to defend the real America.  We Christians were sound asleep, thinking we had won the war to end all wars.   Not till Jesus comes back.

The two conspiracies are, other than being enemies, identical in aim — centralized control.  Griffin describes their mounting levels of strategy against opponents:

  • Ignore the enemy — if they are small and have no staying power, they will vanish;
  • Discredit and demonize;
  • Buy off with distractions, get your friends on their governing boards, compromise their aims;
  • Open bribery;
  • Play rough.  Mafia, Al Capone style.  Assassination.


Sounds familiar.  Neither of the two has any intention, in other words, of losing this war.  Absolutely everything (from their point of view) is at stake.  They are spiritual children of the secular Enlightenment, of social-Darwinist survival of the fittest, and believe, as ancient pagans believed, that the strong should rule the weak.  They intend to be the strong — at any cost to others, and as little as possible to themselves.  Truth is simply another tool for waging the conspiracy.  Morality, as Mao Tse Tung remarked, “comes out of the other end of a gun barrel”.

Griffin sees the problem for freedom fighters as apathy and self-centeredness among Americans — because we have been turned into economic animals, with no creed, no vision for victory, no perception that a victory is needed, so we do not show up on the battlefield.

He is right.  The government-controlled education system has taken care of our creed and moral consensus in good order, and American spiritual leadership is oblivious, self-imprisoned, and locked up right where the AAE et al told them to go — inside their ecclesiastical walls.  When Christians one day rise up, it will be a different story.

Griffin’s solution to all this is to reverse the long slow march back through the institutions and groups, the power centers, of America by using the same strategy that the AAE has used.  Confront their power with our own (1 John 4:4-6).


Continued on Pilgrims Strategy: The Magdeburg Formula