How does the Bible view health, and what principles does it contain for healthy living? It’s certainly God’s purpose for us to be healthy, says 3 John 2. But many today, even those who claim to be true believers, abuse their bodies. Others become “health food fanatics,” existing on a profuse amount of vitamin pills and organic supplements. What is the true Biblical approach to health? This article is written for those who truly want to obey God’s laws.

Surprisingly, the Bible gives a few remedies for sickness. Primarily, it lays out a way of life, which, if followed, will prevent diseases.

Read Health From the Biblical Viewpoint at

Are there cures for Cancer and most chronic and degenerative diseases?

The Gerson Miracle (Highly recommended) introduces Dr. Max Gerson who developed The Gerson Therapy more than 80 years ago. The Gerson Therapy employs a diet and de-codification regimen to rebuild the immune system and restore the body’s own ability to heal itself. Nine former patients talk about their successful recoveries from deadly cancers and Dr. Gerson’s daughter, Charlotte discusses opposition from the medical and pharmaceutical industries and why they fear an all-natural therapy that allows people to take control of their when health.

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The Bible Answer to Optimal Health:
Organic Gardening and Eating According to the Word of God

God not only is our creator, but He was also the first gardener since He was the one who planted the Garden of Eden garden-organicaccording to the verses above. Then, he told Adam and Eve to take care of it and also told them in the Bible what they were to eat and what they were not to eat. Fruits, vegetables, herbs, and nuts and grains were among the first foods he told them would be their “meat” which meant their “food” (see Genesis 1:29 Amplified). After the fall of man, God then added certain “clean” animal meats that were permissible to the list of edible foods, but these were not in the original list. (See Chapter 11 of Leviticus for a list of “clean” and “unclean” meats.)

Organic gardening and eating healthy are the topics of many health food articles today. Those who are seeking to lose weight and feel better are now discovering there is a way to eat that will bring strength and healing to their bodies by consuming more fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. Many are not aware that the Bible endorses this kind of eating. We are not strictly vegetarians, but we eat more fruits and veggies than we do a meat diet. Jesus cooked, fed, and ate fish in the New Testament, so he was not a vegetarian either.

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What does Living Natural have to do with being a Christian?

When “going green” and organic products first started becoming popular, I thought it was a hippie waste of time. I thought, and still do think, that God is sovereign over this life and this world. The book of Revelation in Scripture clearly teaches that God will end the world on his timeline (Matthew 24:36, 2 Peter 3:10, Revelation 21:1). Never again will the earth be destroyed by a flood (Genesis 9:8-17), but instead by fire will this life pass away and our new life will begin (2nd Peter 3:4-10). (Does this scare you? There is HOPE!)

It is not in our hands to control the fate of this world. I thought that was all the “green” movement was about. Saving the environment. Or the panda’s or something. And besides, I don’t have money for all these expensive “green” and organic products. I thought you would have to be a millionaire to really eat and live that way. I just didn’t understand.

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Read what the Bible says about a Healthy Lifestyle



Food Matters TV

This documentary features interviews with leading health experts who reveal the best natural healing choices you can make for you and your family’s health. In the film, you’ll discover what works, what doesn’t and what’s potentially killing you when it comes to your health. The clip below is an 8-minute preview. If you wish to watch the full version, you can watch via AMAZON PRIME or FOODMATTERS.COM.

14 Natural Alternatives to Ibuprofen That More Effective Than Painkiller

Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is often linked to deaths and serious health problems. This is especially true in case the patients use it for a long period ibuprofenbecause in this case the risk of heart attacks is significantly increased.

Long-term high-dose use of painkillers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac is ‘equally hazardous’ in terms of heart attack risk as to use of the drug Vioxx, which was withdrawn due to its potential dangers, researchers said.

Some of the serious health effects of using ibuprofen, in the long run, include DNA structure damage, hearing loss, high blood pressure, miscarriage, etc. It is good to point out that there are substitutions for ibuprofen that are less risky. People don’t have to take pills every time they feel pain in their muscles or headaches.

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25 ways Apple Cider Vinegar will change your life

Dbraggs-acvid you know something in your pantry has been used as a healing elixir since 400 B.C.? It’s true! Raw apple cider vinegar was used by the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, for a multitude of things. It’s been used throughout history and is still just as useful today. In fact, in even more ways than you think. Below you’ll find 25 ways to use apple cider vinegar and one way to save money when you buy it. This list will leave you reaching for a bottle of ACV instead of a bottle full of toxins that could be harming your family and lowering their I.Q. Be sure to always choose organic apple cider vinegar to make sure it’s truly toxin-free, as apples are the most contaminated fruit.

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