moses-arron-hurPilgrimsBeacon note: Believing that I’m a watchman, in the category of Issachar or Agabus, I find that there are some in the body of Christ that are very politically active.  They believe that to present the Gospel is to have our government represent the moral laws of God.  Not that we should have a theocracy, but that America was founded on moral/natural law and almost since the adoption of the Constitution, the enemies of God have been used by satan to subvert those principles. However, the majority of Christians have lost their desire for civic duty beyond the occasional voting.  Gone are the days of the moral majority and the influence Christians once had on American culture.  It is said that Islamic terrorism is their ‘religious duty’ to bring about their ‘endtimes’.  As Sir John Dalberg-Acton said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” And I find that a majority of Christians feel that they’re ‘helping’ Christ’s return by allowing the US Government unchecked power, which allows it to abandon God’s moral law in our government.


This sermon, by Pastor Keith Collins of Lakeview Christian Center, I believe, gives one of the best illustrations from scripture against pietism and for activism or as the title says, ‘Wielding Swords, Raising Rods and Trusting God’. (follow the outline below)


Exodus 17:8-16


INTRO …Life is BOTH Physical & Spiritual—simultaneously!

v. 8 …THEN Amalek came and fought with Israel


– The context of “then” …v. 7 – “Testing” and “Quarreling”
“On the one hand, notice that this attack upon Israel was Amalek’s great sin, on account of which the nation was doomed to be extirpated. Because of this, God said, “I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under Heaven.” But, on the other hand, this assault was the result of Israel’s sin,
for it is significantly put after the strife of Massah and Meribah, “Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in Rephidim.” The point is this—persecution may come to you from evil
men, distinctly from them—and it may be their wicked free will which makes them assail you. But, at the same time, it may be your sin which lies at the bottom of it, and because you have erred, they have been permitted and even appointed, to bring trouble upon you.” Charles Spurgeon, “Both Sides of the Shield”
“Israel quarreled with God—and now Amalek quarrels with Israel. …They put a question about God, “Is the Lord among us, or not?”—a horrible question, since it involved a doubt as to the veracity of Moses and as to the reality of all the great wonders which were worked in Egypt and in the wilderness! …More over, we find that Israel had uttered threats against Moses, so that he said, “They are almost ready to stone me.” Now, if they would stone the man of God, is it at all amazing that the men of the world were ready to kill them? If you go against Moses, God will send Amalek against you, for remember that God chastens His people! Though He forgives, He chastens.” Charles Spurgeon, “Both Sides of the Shield”
Israel copped an attitude!—

v. 9 …Choose Men—and go fight!


– Because of the Warfare Nature of Our Lives …at some point This Choosing Process will be happening. Note Joshua is not told to “get all the men”—but rather to “choose men”…

” Observe how Moses prepared to fight the Amalekites. He said to Joshua, “Choose us out men.” He did not lose sight of the necessity of having the most fit warriors because his trust was in God. If someone, seeing only one side of the question, had come to him, and said, “The battle is the Lord’s, why do you want to pick out men? Will not one man do as well as another?” Moses would probably have replied, “These Amalekites are mighty warriors. Take chosen men—men that are able-bodied—men that are expert in war, the choicest men you can find, and go to war with Amalek. We shall need our best men to overcome

such a foe. Choose us out men.” This is a rule without exception when you go to work for Christ—bring forth the best of everything that you have—your best thought, your best knowledge, your best ability! Let the Church always see to it that she tries to get the best men she can to fight the battles of the Lord. It is a mistake to suppose that just anybody will do for Christian work.” Charles Spurgeon, “Both Sides of the Shield”

…In the days of Fighting some kind of “Amalek” in the church, in our families, in our personal lives—would I be chosen for battle? …Am I living a “BATTLE-READY LIFE”??

v. 10-11 …So Joshua Fought—and Moses went up the hill


Lesson Observed: Fighting Spiritual Battles takes Physical & Spiritual Dimensions—simultaneously!


“Prudence prays with Moses while it fights with Joshua. In like manner, in the activities of our holy faith, we must learn to balance work and worship, prayer for victory and conflict with the enemy. In the case before us, we see that the means are not neglected. Moses did not call all the people to pray when it was time for fighting! He prayed, but at the same time he set the battle in array. This is true wisdom, for, “faith without works is dead.” We cannot expect to have souls saved if we pray and never preach! We cannot expect to have our children saved if we only pray for them night and morning, and never speak to them about eternal matters, and do not instruct them in the things of God. The means must not be neglected!” Charles Spurgeon, “Both Sides of the Shield


“But, on the other hand, in this battle, reliance on God is not neglected. Moses ascends the hill holding up his banner— The banner is the rod of God and the banner-bearer is the chosen servant of God. …The meaning of it would be clear—”Fight, but trust. War with Amalek with the edge of the sword, but prevail over Amalek by prevailing with God in prayer.” …You must have Joshua and you must have Moses, too, in the time of trial!” Charles Spurgeon, “Both Sides of the Shield” 



v. 11-12 …Behind-the-scenes explanation of gains and losses, advancement and retreat!


  • We will experience BOTH advancement and retreat in our lives!—when we are retreating, that doesn’t mean we are on our way to losing!
  • Fighting and Advancement take Intercession …Intercession is a Wearisome Task …Intercession Takes Support
“Now this teaches that there must be prayer as well as effort. Minister! Preach on; you shall have no success unless you pray. If you do not know how to wrestle with God on your knees, you will find it hard work to wrestle with men on your feet… You are not so likely to fail in your efforts as in your prayers. We never read that Joshua’s hand was weary with wielding the sword, but Moses’ hand was weary with holding the rod.” Charles Spurgeon, “The War of Truth
Propping up Moses and providing assistants = do whatever you need to do in order to sustain your prayer life!! …the Battle Depends on it!
The Hope of Christ in Us
  • …Jesus THE Intercessor is depicted by Moses
  • …Jesus THE Captain who leads us into Battle is depicted by Joshua


Consider the variety of “Amalekites” that we Encounter:

  • Personal Amalekites…lusts, appetites, habits, blind ambitions
  • Family Amalekites…faith crisis for your spouse, health attacks, season of suffering/setback that tests faith, conflicts with children
  • Church/Kingdom Amalekites… Enemies that come against the church and its mission. Individualism, materialism/consumerism, prayerlessness, lack of knowledge of the Word, complaining, etc.
WARNING: it can be very easy in an overcrowded personal life to find ourselves only going to war in personal categories.
“Let us then, brethren and sisters, each in our spheres, deal hard blows at the enemy. This is a fight in which all can do something… We have each an allotted work to do, if we are the Lord’s elect; let us take care that we do it. …I will never have it that God created any man, especially any Christian man, to be a blank, and to be a nothing. He made you for an end. Find out what that end is; find out your niche, and fill it.” Charles Spurgeon, “The War of Truth