Were America’s Founders Christian, Deist or Atheist?

Were America’s Founders Christian, Deist or Atheist?

  To further their political agenda, many on the secular Left misrepresent the religious beliefs of America’s founders and their intent in framing the US Constitution. Very few of these men were deists, believing that nature is the only revelation from God...
Burger-flipping Robots To Replace Employees By 2020

Burger-flipping Robots To Replace Employees By 2020

The collapse of low-skilled labor in America continues unabated, thanks in large part to the advancement of robotics, and with it, a wave of coming unrest like nations have not seen in a long, long time. As reported by CNBC, the fast-food industry, in...
The Fiction of ‘Judicial Supremacy’

The Fiction of ‘Judicial Supremacy’

By: Matthew Trewhella Every four years, as the presidential election approaches, both the Democrats and Republicans try to persuade their faithful to vote for their candidate (regardless of how awful they are) because “We must appoint the Supreme Court Justices...