founding-documentsThe United States of America was built upon three founding documents: The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Taken together, these documents form the basis of all our laws, principles and heritage. To destroy the principles contained in these documents is to destroy the country. Unfortunately, that is exactly what has been happening for many years now.BibleThe destruction of America’s founding principles can be directly traced to the country’s willful rejection of the Bible as our source of divine authority. America has done more than expel God and the Bible from our schools; it has expelled God and the Bible from politics, commerce, and even our very way of life. Should it be any wonder then that our founding documents are also being expunged? After all, America’s founding documents are themselves predicated upon God and the Bible.The Declaration of Independence states, “[Men] are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” It also states that these rights are “self evident” and that they constitute the “Laws of Nature.” These principles are taken directly from the Bible.laws-of-nature-all-men