AKA: The Deep State (US)

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There is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world’s wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, whose goal is to create a New World Order, a world government stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda. Their intention is to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world’s population by 6.5 Billion people to 500 million. While the name New World Order is a term frequently used today when referring to this group, it’s more useful to identify the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who make up this vast interlocking spiderweb of elite conspirators.

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“But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, so that the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, that person is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.” – Ezekiel 33:6


World leaders speak of their desire for a New World Order.

The evidence in this section may show that their goals are:

A one world government, a one world economy, a one world police-state, a one world society and a one world religion.

A One World Government

It’s important to understand that the elite do not necessarily want world government per se but rather a form of world governance in their personal control. A world government would imply some sort of input and opportunity for participation by the public. They have no intention of allowing this to happen. The United Nations as an unelected and as such unaccountable body has been established to serve this purpose.

A One World Economy

In order to bring about global governance it is imperative that communism, socialism, fascism and capitalism be merged into a new system of Corporatism where economic control remains and is concentrated in private hands (Oligarchs who control governments) and social control is based on collectivism.

A One World Police State

The elite globalist believe that the world is simply consuming too many resources, resources that belong to them and their descendants and consequently, as outlined in the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and Agenda 21, we must return to a form of feudalism and into a post-industrial era. We’ve been losing state sovereignty to the Federal Government for many years and now the Federal Government is handing over more national sovereignty to the UN and foreign interests.

A One World Society

This new society will have different characteristics for different groups of people or classes, run in a scientific manner by a subservient group of technocratic scientific elite. In fact, today we already live in a form of scientific dictatorship where the majority of people are brainwashed from birth through the media and educational system. Ultimately, they want to develop purpose made, genetically engineered humans and only those with a purpose that serves the state will be allowed to be born and never able to understand the truth about the world in which they live.

A New World Religion

A religion of ‘mother earth’ is just a facade for faith in man’s technological abilities.  Technocrats, as they are know have replaced Almighty God as the Creator.  As stated in the section on beliefs, the elite are obsessed with over population and have written about it for centuries. Consequently, as written on the Georgia Guidestones, they want a global population of just 500 million. This means 6 billion people must die over the coming century starting in 2010.

A New World Order or Globalization

They used to call it the “New World Order” and later rebranded it to “Globalization” when the people started asking too many questions about what they meant by a New World Order.  These terms will be used interchangeably on this site.

Source: [edited]


globe 1436290750If the first question you ask is, “WHO ARE THE GLOBALISTS?”  What is the origin and who makes up their members? Do they really have a plan? And is it beneficial for faithful Christians to have knowledge of their plan in order to exercise godly wisdom and spread the Gospel?  We present evidence (from both Christian and non-christian sources) so you can reach you own verdict.

“The New World Order, although it’s not really, it’s called the New World Order, it’s an old, old idea of having a controlled and planned world society that really is a merger of two systems and that was the Soviet system and the Capitalist system. But out of it is to come an efficient planned society.

In other words, eventually down the road everyone who’s born will be born only if there is a function for them to serve, and that is the key word to serve – and that is to serve the world state. People have been categorized all through their lives from school onwards from generation after generation into a eugenics program where the elite have long ago decided on who were the junk genes – meaning the commoners at the bottom – will there be a future for them?

council 13Well, they don’t need them so they are going to eradicate them under the guise of overpopulation. And interestingly enough, because they know most people live their whole lives without an original thought (they really don’t – thoughts are downloaded into them, opinions are given to them – they adopt opinions), they must have the consent of the public for this agenda including, down the road very very soon in fact, voluntary sterilization to save poor old mother earth and bring the population down. And when you look at what’s been taught scientifically, a scientific socialism you might say, what’s being taught even in kindergarten onwards today, they’re giving them up towards this world where you’ll sacrifice yourself if need be for mother earth.

It’s a religion of sorts – it uses all of the techniques of religion because religion has worked so well in the past. Michael Gorbachev, who is part of this structure for a global society, said ‘We are creating a new world religion and it will be based on a form of earth worship’. By that he meant you will literally live to serve mother earth. Of course Mother Earth has a new priesthood, there’s always a priesthood, and you find its the experts, a scientific society, who already have declared they are too superior for the rest of us to be around and they have the natural right – they’re the natural aristocracy as they call themselves – but in reality all scientists who depend on grants or funding from the wealthy, the already established wealthy elite, they’re just the lackeys of those at the top.

At the top of this system you have very old families who’ve held on and acquired more and more power down through many centuries and they’ve declared they’re at the top of the Darwinian tree and beneath them you have the scientific society that makes the weapons for them, including weapons that will eventually control the mind, and they plan to run the whole world as a planned – not just a planned parenthood society – a planned society where every country which will be subservient to a global government.

– Alan Watt,

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