We’ve been working on continued research to add the best and most relevant content to PilgrimsBeacon.com. 

Pilgrims Tactics: Biblical Finance

history-of-nationsIn Pilgrims Tactics: Biblical Finance we added a very informative video by Pastor Chad Hovind who covers parts of his book Godonomics, which explores God’s principles, His teachings, and His directions for living a life of Liberty, Prosperity, and Generosity. Chad presents a Biblical case for free-market enterprise, and offers God’s perspective for the economic decisions of an individual, a family, and even a nation. We own and recommend the DVD and the book, which we link to below the video.  Click HERE

Pilgrims Strategies: Romans 13

The components of the book, The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: A Proper Resistance to Tyranny and A Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government by Pastor Matthew Trewhella, have been added to a few sections.  doctrine-lessor-magistrates

Appendix A, available as a free pdf file from the book, has been added to Pilgrims Strategies: Romans 13, which provides three proofs of why Romans 13 does not teach unlimited obedience to the civil government. In context, Romans 13 was primarily Paul’s pastoral concern. He advised the Jewish Christians in Rome under what conditions to submit to the governing authorities. Such decisions might keep them from withholding taxes. Historically it has been used by theologians and political leaders to justify either complete or measured obedience as well as non-compliance to governmental authority. Click HERE


Pilgrims Tactics: We The People

We’ve also added a speech by the author to Pilgrims Tactics: We The People as it provides a biblical examination and answers to it’s counter, Globalist Tactics: Big Government. At just over 40 minutes, the video is engaging and insightful. Click HERE

New World Order

council_13While researching an article about the Trans-pacific Partnership, we came across a interesting image on the New World Order Hierarchy, which we added to the New World Order page.  Although the author is unknown, it provides and interesting and thought-provoking look into a very well organized structure, well worth further investigation.  We hope you will find it informative and assist you in your search for truth. Click HERE


New World Order: Secrets Societies

We also added a video of a powerful speech of warning given by President John F. Kennedy on the page, New World Order: Secrets Societies.



accuweatherWe’re happy to provide more relevant information to the DASHBOARD for our readers.  We recently included AccuWeather, an American media company. Now you can check the news of the day and your local weather.  AccuWeather’s forecasts and services are based on weather information derived from numerous sources, including data gathered by the National Weather Service and meteorological organizations outside the United States, and from information provided by non-meteorological organizations such as the armed forces. Click HERE


stock-tickerYou’ll notice we have specific sources for economic and financial news and information. We carry The Economic Collapse, Zero Hedge and End Of The American Dream.  We also provide the podcast of The Peter Schiff Show.  To keep our readers informed, we’ve added a stock ticker to the top of the page.  And we’ll continued to refine it with the most relevant companies.

We also added a news feed from EconomyAndMarkets.com, a first of its kind source that uses the power of demographic trends and purchasing power to accurately identify economic and market boom and busts.economy-and-markets-daily

They believe that knowing what consumers are going to buy next (purchasing power)… or what they’ll stop buying soon… is the best way to protect your investment portfolio, maximize your returns, and make smart business and financial decisions.

Each week day, Harry Dent, Rodney Johnson, and Adam O’Dell share with you their views on demographic trends, their market research, their economic research, the housing market, economic cycles, market cycles, business cycles, and the looming economic collapse and market crash. Click HERE

New Sponsor

Spending hundreds of hours of research to put together a site that will help Pilgrims find information on topics very important to themselves, their family, friends, community and society in a well-organized and easily accessible manner, takes a lot of resource.  And we appreciate those of you who have chosen to partner with us, both in prayer and financially.  As we say About Us, this site is a ministry of a for-profit business so we do not take donations.  We do, however, strive to provide our supporter with the very best goods and services that help fund our efforts. 

And we’re happy to have added Golden State Mint as a new sponsor.  We added them for two important reasons to us.  One, is their low prices and the other is that you can buy gold and silver in weights lower than an ounce, making it easier for someone on a tight budget to begin investing in something other than the current fiat currency created by the Federal Reserve cabal. By clicking the link and placing an order, you help support this website.

Silver Buffalo on sale only $0.74 over spot